What are the 3 Basic Principles of Defensive Driving?
What is Defensive Driving? Summer travel is always full of challenges and defensive driving is crucial to staying safe while traveling. So what is defensive driving? Defensive driving is being prepared to react safely and calmly to situations that arise such as: The actions of other drivers Road damage or construction lanes Encountering road debris … Continue reading What are the 3 Basic Principles of Defensive Driving?

How to Hydrated Fast: Five Hydration Tips for Summer
With summer temperatures rising, the threat of truckers overheating while working also increases. Besides their truck, a truck driver’s health and wellbeing is their most important asset. Heat exhaustion and dehydration while working around other summer driving hazards can have significant consequences. Dehydration might be just a mild concern for others. However since truck drivers … Continue reading How to Hydrated Fast: Five Hydration Tips for Summer

Summer Driving Hazards for Truckers
There’s no question about the importance of truck drivers to the economy and the country. This fact is particularly obvious during the summer months. While the summer season is the time to make memories with family and friends, truckers are still needed to keep the country moving. Even when faced with hazards of the job, … Continue reading Summer Driving Hazards for Truckers