Do Semi Truck Drivers Still Use CB Radios? A Look at Modern Trucking Communication
In an age of smartphones and advanced GPS systems, many wonder if the iconic CB radio still has a place in the cabs of modern semi trucks. At Williams Logistics, we recognize the importance of staying connected on the road, and we’re here to explore the current state of CB radio usage among truck drivers. … Continue reading Do Semi Truck Drivers Still Use CB Radios? A Look at Modern Trucking Communication

It’s Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2023: Thank a Trucker!
The Role of Truck Drivers in Our Economy Truck drivers are the unsung heroes of our economy. They deliver goods and raw materials to factories, distribution centers, stores, and restaurants, enabling businesses to function smoothly. From fresh produce to medical supplies, everything we rely on in our daily lives has likely been transported by a … Continue reading It’s Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2023: Thank a Trucker!