Motorcycle Safety Month: Sharing the Road with Motorcycles
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving practices when sharing the road with motorcycles. As the weather warms up, more motorcyclists hit the roads, making it crucial for all drivers to be vigilant and considerate of each other. One group of drivers that often find … Continue reading Motorcycle Safety Month: Sharing the Road with Motorcycles

Is Truck Driving Dangerous? Improving Trucker Safety with AI
As truck drivers spend more time traveling than most other occupations, truckers are exposed to many dangers. Furthermore, the mere size of a truck and trailer can be dangerous not including the immense weight from a load. These large trucks also have a higher center of gravity which can make them vulnerable to: tipping over … Continue reading Is Truck Driving Dangerous? Improving Trucker Safety with AI

Is It Illegal to Pick Up a Hitchhiker?
Hitchhiking has been one of the most common forms of travel for several decades until recent years. In other countries, hitchhiking is still common for locals as well as travelers. People who prefer to hitchhike enjoy the experience of talking with a local and finding unique places off the beaten path. Hitchhikers are at the … Continue reading Is It Illegal to Pick Up a Hitchhiker?